Anyways, I was wondering how Erik got into the porn business, papermag answers my wonderings:
On the road to superstardom, Rhodes, whose early run-ins with the gay scene did not leave the best taste in his mouth (pun intended), made some sexy stops along the way, including Fantasy, a now-defunct strip club in Long Island. "I was dancing there. I never knew there were hot gay guys. So I started hooking up with all the dancers."
A recruiter from Falcon spotted him at a nightclub and asked him to send in photos. "I thought, 'Why not get paid to fuck hot guys?'" He took the plunge -- literally -- with his first movie, Flesh, which featured him in an underwater scene. (It was Rhodes's only non-Falcon film.)
Having made nine more movies since, Rhodes is proving his dominance in the field by the launch of his new anatomically correct sex toy (he can't wait to try it out) and, last month, his own live webcast from his New York apartment. "I sit there, and they tell me what they want me to do. I'll basically do anything they say," Rhodes says.
Read the rest here.